Tuesday 10 February 2015

Guidelines on the Maintenance of Pressure Relief Valves on Board Gas Carriers

1.       Introduction
In 1992, an incident occurred during the loading of a semi-refrigerated LPG carrier. The cargo being loaded was propane and the pressure relief valves were set to operate at 11 bar gauge. During the final stages of loading and at a pressure of only 7 bar gauge, one of the two pressure relief valves fitted to this cargo tank lifted and failed to reseat.
There were no guidelines available on board or at the terminal to describe emergency methods of closing the valve.
Eventually the valve was physically blanked off with the tank pressure reduced to 0.02 bar gauge. A large quantity of product was reported to have been lost to the atmosphere and subsequent investigation of the valve indicated that there had been a failure of the pressure relief valve diaphragm. This failure is believed to have occurred because the diaphragm had been in service for too long.
As a result of this and some other similar incidents SIGTTO has produced this "Guidelines on the Maintenance of Pressure Relief on board Gas Carriers".
2.       Definitions used in regard to pressure relief valves
Safety valve: An automatic pressure relieving device actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve and normally characterised by rapid full opening or pop action. It is used for steam, gas or vapour service.
Relief valve: An automatic pressure relieving device actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve, which opens in proportion to the increase in pressure over the opening pressure. It is primarily used for liquid service.
Safety relief valve: An automatic pressure actuated relieving device suitable for use as either a safety or relief valve, depending on application.
Pressure relief valve: A generic term applying to relief valves, safety valves or safety relief valves.
Set pressure: Set pressure, is the inlet pressure at which the pressure relief valve is adjusted to open under service conditions. In a pressure or pressure relief valve in gas, vapour or steam service, the set pressure is the inlet pressure at which the valve opens under service conditions. In a relief or pressure relief valve in liquid service, the set pressure is the inlet pressure at which the valve starts to discharge under service conditions.
Differential set pressure: The pressure differential, between the set pressure and the constant superimposed back pressure. It is applicable only when a conventional type pressure relief valve is being used in service against constant superimposed back pressure.
 Cold differential test pressure: Cold differential test pressure, is the inlet static pressure at which the pressure relief valve is adjusted to open on the test stand. This pressure includes the corrections for service conditions of back pressure or temperature or both.
Operating pressure: The operating pressure of a vessel is the pressure to which the vessel is usually subjected in service. A vessel is usually designed for a maximum allowable working pressure, which will provide a suitable margin above the operating pressure in order to prevent any undesirable operation or leakage of the relief device. (It is suggested that this margin be as great as possible consistent with economical vessel and other equipment design, system operation and the performance characteristics of the pressure relieving device.)
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure: Maximum allowable working pressure is the maximum gauge pressure permissible in the top of a cargo tank for a designated temperature. This pressure is based on calculations for each element in a cargo tank using nominal thicknesses, exclusive of allowances for corrosion and thickness required for loadings other than pressure. It is the basis for the pressure setting of the pressure-relieving devices protecting the vessel which is known as the maximum allowable relief valve setting or MARVS. The design pressure may be used in place of the maximum allowable working pressure in cases where calculations are not made to determine the value of the latter.
Overpressure: Overpressure is a pressure increase over the set pressure of a pressure relief valve, usually expressed as a percentage of set pressure.
Accumulation: Accumulation is the pressure increase over the maximum allowable working pressure of the cargo tank during discharge through the pressure relief valve, expressed as a percent of the pressure or in pressure units.
Blowdown: Slowdown is the difference between actual relieving pressure of a pressure relief valve and actual reseating pressure expressed as a percentage of set pressure or in pressure units.
Lift: Lift is the actual travel of the disc or piston away from closed position when a valve is relieving.
Back pressure: Back pressure is the static pressure existing at the outlet of a pressure relief device due to pressure in the discharge system.
Constant back pressure: Back pressure which does not change under any condition of operation whether the pressure relief valve is closed or open.
Built-up back pressure: Built-up back pressure is pressure existing at the outlet of a pressure relief device occasioned by the flow through that particular device into a discharge system, as well as contributing flow from other sources into the same discharge system.
Superimposed back pressure: Superimposed back pressure is the static pressure existing at the outlet of a pressure relief device before ihe device operates. It is the result of pressure in the discharge system from other sources.

3.       Requirements for pressure relief valves
3.1      General
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Code for Gas Carriers (see Appendix 1) requires at least two pressure relief valves of equal capacity to be fitted to any cargo tank of greater than 20 m3 capacity. Below this capacity one is sufficient. The types of valves normally fitted are either spring-loaded or pilot-operated relief valves. Pilot-operated relief valves may be found on Types А, В and С tanks while spring-loaded relief valves are usually only used on Type С tanks. The use of pilot-operated relief valves on Type A tanks ensures accurate operation at the low pressure conditions prevailing while their use on Type С tanks, for example, allows variable relief settings to be achieved using the same valve. This may be done by changing the pilot spring or by fitting one or more auxiliary setters. Figures la and 1b show typical pilot operated relief valves. Other types of pilot valve are available for adjustment of "set pressure" and "blowdown pressure".
Pilot operated relief valves with adjustable settings may be provided for two reasons. Firstly, they may be used to provide a higher set pressure than normal (but not exceeding the MARVS) during cargo handling (sometimes referred to as "harbour" setting). Secondly, on Type С tanks, they permit an acceptable means of reducing the MARVS to comply with USCG regulations which impose more stringent pressure factors in pressure tank design than do to the IMO Code requirements.
Whenever such valves are used for more than one pressure setting, a proper record must be kept of any changes in the pilot valve springs with the pilot assembly cap always being resealed after such changes. A record should also be kept of the use of auxiliary setters.
Cargo tank pressure relief valves relieve into one or more vent stacks. Vent stack drains should be provided, and regularly checked, to ensure ro accumulation of rain water etc., in the stack. Accumulation of liquid usually has the effect of altering the pressure relief valve setting due to the resulting increased back pressure. This will prevent the valve lifting at its set pressure.
The IMO Codes require all pipelines or components which may be isolated when full of liquid to be provided with relief valves to allow for thermal expansion of the liquid. These valves can relieve either into the cargo tanks themselves or, alternatively, they may be taken to a vent stack via liquid collecting pots with, in some cases, level switch protection and a liquid vaporising source.
3 2      Pressure relief valve design must take account of two basic requirements.  These are accidental over-pressurisation and accidental over-heating of the tank contents.
Accidental over-pressurisation must be reduced while keeping the amount of gas discharged through the pressure relief valve to a minimum for reasons of environmental protection and economy. The valve must therefore be designed to shut off at a pressure very near to its opening pressure.
Accidental over-heating will result in vaporisation of the liquid and increased pressure which can only be safely reduced by discharge of gas through the pressure relief valve. The Classification Societies have defined tank design rules which fixes the amount of gas to be discharged as a function of the liquid in the tank, the dimensions of the tank and the thermal insulation of the tank. The rules create a requirement for high gas flow rates.
Pressure relief valves are therefore, principally designed to take account of the following requirements:
a)                                      To provide an effective seal until the pre-set opening pressure (set pressure) is
b)                                     A precise and clean release of gas is achieved irrespective of temperature
c)                                      Complete opening of the valve to give full flow
d)                  Complete closing of the valves at a pressure slightly below the opening pressure
(normally 3%-7% of opening pressure)
e)                                      Operation to be free from the effects of frosting which may occur within the
f)                                       Operation to be unaffected by movement (e.g. on board ship)
3.3      Further safety considerations on the operation of pressure relief valves
3.3.1       If a pressure relief valve opens inadvertently, the temperature of the liquefied
gas in the tank may be more critical than the pressure in the space above the
liquid in determining the amount of gas released before the valves can be
3.3.2       The use of a vapour return line, if available, will significantly reduce the
amount of gas escaping to the atmosphere in the event of inadvertent valve
opening or leakage.
4,       Types of pressure relief valves
4.1      Pilot operated pressure relief valves (see Figure la and 1b)
A pilot operated pressure relief valve consists of a main valve and a pilot valve. The main valve has an unbalanced piston or diaphragm. Tank pressure is applied to the top of the piston or diaphragm via the pilot. As the area at the top of the piston or diaphragm is larger than the bottom, the valve remains closed.

When the tank pressure increases to the set pressure of the pilot, the pilot opens and reduces the pressure from the top of the piston or diaphragm. The force acting on the bottom of the piston or diaphragm is now greater than that acting on the top and the valve opens.

When the tank pressure decreases to the closing pressure of the pilot valve, the pilot closes and the tank pressure is directed to the top of the piston or diaphragm. The force acting on the top of the piston or diaphragm is now greater than the force on the bottom and the valve closes (see Figures la and 1b).
4.2      Spring operated pressure relief valves (See Figure 2)
The piston or valve seating is accomplished through the pressure exerted by a coil spring onto the top of the piston or valve. As the tank pressure increases, so the valve-seating contact force is reduced making the setting of an exact set pressure more difficult to accomplish.
The opening of the valve and the amount of opening is, therefore, dependant on the compression of the spring. Any static pressure, due to flow downstream of the pressure relief valve will also tend to close the valve.

The operation of the valve and its maintenance is simpler than the alternative pilot valve type. The characteristics of these two types of pressure relief valves is shown in Fig.3.
 5.       Preventative and planned maintenance procedures for pressure relief valves
5.1       Scope
This section is applicable to both pilot operated pressure relief valves and direct spring operated pressure relief valves used for the protection of cargo tanks, hold spaces, insulation spaces, inter-barrier spaces and cargo piping. Ship cargo designs may be fully pressurised, semi-pressurised or semi-refrigerated, fully refrigerated and cryogenic. Cargoes contained may be LNG, LPG, LEG, Ammonia or other liquefied gases. The design of the tank, such as spherical, membrane, prismatic etc. has no consequence to the recommendations prescribed.
These guidelines do not specifically address equipment such as boilers, turbines, compressors, evaporators, pumps, heat exchanger etc. The safety relief valves supplied as part of these systems should be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations.
5.2       Pressure relief valve preventative maintenance philosophy
Under normal operating conditions pressure relief valves should never need to operate. They should not, however, be forgotten. Regular routine maintenance is essential to ensure that they will function correctly if required.

All personnel involved in the operation of the cargo systems that the valves protect should be familiar with their function, normal operation and maintenance requirements and any means of closing them in an emergency.
5.3      Pressure relief valve maintenance frequency
Table 1 provides a frequency matrix by valve type for various preventative type actions which should be applied. The combination of functions described requires actions by both the ship's crew, yard personnel and may also require input from the manufacturer or their designated service representative.
Table 2 provides an action matrix by various valve types which can be applied during time at sea and also during shipyard overhauls. These actions are specific in nature and are not intended to conflict with instructions of any particular manufacturer who should be consulted in case of doubt or uncertainty.
6.       Emergency closure of pressure relief valves
6.1 In an emergency, the main valve can be closed by pressurising the top of the piston. In the case of the Anderson Greenwood Type 95 valves it is suggested that a gas pressure equal to the tank pressure is applied through the close tee (Item 13) via the plug (Item 18) as shown in Figure 4 below.

Table 1:      Showing frequency of preventative maintenance actions to be applied to various types of pressure relief valves

Valve Type
Preventative Action
Cargo tank PRV -Pilot operated or spring type
Each loading
Visual observance of leaks which may require soapy water to detect very small leaks   АБ external fittings, connections to be checked particularly during loading operations

Continuously monitored
Seat leakage detection via gas analyser in mast

Every six months
Verify integrity of lead seal security to spring adjusting screw chamber

Visual inspection of external surface for presence of corrosion or stress cracks

Ensure all external bolting, fasteners and mounting brackets are torqued to manufacturer's instructions

Every 6-12 months
Verify the free operation using field test kit

Regular shipyard maintenance periods
Verify calibration of all spring settings, pilots and auxiliary setter devices

at Intermediate Surveys
Verify proper operation and seat tightness of all valves

Regular shipyard maintenance periods
Randomly inspect internals of 50% of valves    Inspect for wear corrosion and the presence of soft seal lubricants   Any adverse signs shall require inspection of all valves and maintenance as necessary

Verify presence of valve maintenance history log and update as necessary

Advise manufacturer of actions taken to update their records
Cargo tank liquid line piping PRV - Pilot operated or spring
Each loading
Visual observance of leaks   All external finings, connections to be checked   Verify lift lever no pre load

Scat leakage detection via outlet flange frosting

Valve Type
Preventative Action

Every 6 months
Verify integrity of lead seal security to spring adjusting screw chamber

Visual inspection of external surfaces for presence of corrosion or stress cracks

Ensure all external bolting, fasteners and mounting brackets are torqued to manufacturers instructions

Every 6-12 months
Verify the free operation using field test kit

Special Surveys
Verify calibration of all spring settings

Special Surveys
Verify proper operation and seat tightness of all valves

Regular shipyard maintenance periods
Randomly inspect internals of 25% of valves.  Inspect for wear, corrosion and the presence of soft seal lubricants. Any adverse signs shall require inspection of all valves and maintenance as necessary

Verify presence of valve maintenance history log and update as necessary

Advise manufacturer of actions taken to update their records
Hold/insulation/inter-barrier Space PRV - Pilot operated
Every 6 months
Visual observance of leaks   All external fittings, connections to be checked

Internal leakage detection via outlet audible check

Verify integrity of lead seal security to spring adjusting screw, chamber

Visual inspection of external surfaces for presence of corrosion or stress cracks

Ensure all external bolting, fasteners and mounting brackets are torqued to manufacturers instructions

Every 6-12 months
Verify the free operation using field test kit

Regular shipyard maintenance period
Verify calibration of all spring settings

Valve Type
Preventative Action

Intermediate surveys
Verify proper operation and seat tightness of all valves

Regular shipyard maintenance period
Randomly inspect internals of 25% of valves.  Inspect for wear, corrosion and the presence of soft seal lubricants. Any adverse signs shall require inspection of additional valves and maintenance

Verify presence of valve maintenance history log and update as necessary

Advise manufacturer of actions taken to update their records

Table 2:      Showing specific preventative maintenance actions for cargo tank pressure relief valves and their associated equipment

Preventative Actions
1.     Verify   proper   calibration   in   accordance   with manufacturer's instructions.   Calibration tolerances are usually ± 3% but this is dependent on MARVS. (See Appendix 1 - 8.2.5)
Upon completion,  sealing of adjustments  to be witnessed by Class Society.

       Inspect  for  external  corrosion,   water entry  and integrity  of external  thread/bolts  against  stress corrosion cracking

       Upon   disassembly,    inspect   the   conditions    of elastomer seals, condition of seats, diaphragm's and lubrication of the seals.     Elastomer's  should  be replaced if signs of wear or damage, or at five year intervals

       If fined with auxiliary setters, verify nameplate serial number of pilot matched all auxiliary setters
Auxiliary setters
1.     Verify the serial number matches the pilot
        2.  Verify the calibration is within IMO prescribed limits (see Appendix 1 - 8.2.5).  Upon completion, sealing of adjustments should be witnessed by Class Society

3.     Verify the spindle is straight and undamaged

       4.Inspect the mounting threads for damage and repair as necessary

5.    Return device to a safe, clean, dry storage area
Field test connection
      Verify the device is free to operate by cycling to the two or three positions

2.     Inspect for any external corrosion and damage
      3.Verify the return to correct and normal operating position

4.     Lock device in correct position
Backflow preventer
       Verify device is free to operate and without leakage under normal operation.
       Ensure all external bolting is torqued to manufacturer recommendations.

       Lubricate the seals at every' yard period  a/id replace diaphragm or elastomers every 5-7 years.    If the device leaks, the most likely cause is soft scat failure and the seals should be replaced.
Vacuum Block
      This device is functionally identical to the backflow preventer and the same actions are recommended.
Prevcntative Actions
Sense line filler or vaporiser
      This device has no moving parts   Drain condensate every ship yard maintenance period
Main valve
1      Inspect the condition of all external  bolting and fasteners every five years   Replace if signs indicate the onset of stress corrosion cracking    All bolting should be replaced at no later than 10 year intervals unless stainless or similar maternal is used

     2. Test the main seat sealing integrity   Zero leakage at 90% of set pressure after one minute indicates acceptable conditions

     3. Inspect all elastomers and seals for lubricants and general condition. If teflon, replace every 10 years Non teflon seals should be replaced every five years, but 50% of all valves should be randomly inspected at each regular shipyard maintenance period

      4. Inspect flange gasket surfaces for signs of damage and or corrosion

      5.    Inspect internal metal parts for signs of wear and corrosion   Replace as instructed by manufacturer

      6. Inspect for any external corrosion and damage especially at the tube finings and other threaded connections

      Inspect  the  pressure  tubing for kinks  and other damage    Replace immediately if internal diameter reduction of more than 25% exists anywhere

      Inspect all bolting and pilot mounting brackets for proper tightness    Consult manufacturer for proper torque values
Direct spring operated valves
      Verify   proper   calibration   in   accordance   with manufacturer's instructions    Calibration tolerances are usually ± 3%  (See Appendix 1-825)  Upon completion, sealing of adjustments to be witnessed by Classification Society

       Verify the seat tightness    Zero leakage at 90% set pressure is acceptable for soft seated valves   Valves with metal-to-metal seats may leak at this pressure Leakage rate should not exceed 40 bubbles of air per minute, or 0 6 cc/min, after 15 seconds   (Sec API-RP 527)

       Verify the blowdown or resetting pressure is within manufacturer's standards    \ blowdown setting of 7 10% is normal

      If the valve has a lift lever   the inlet should be pressurised to a minimum of 75% of the set pressure The lift lever should then be stroked to ensure free operation of the valve     Upon completion of this activity   care should be taken to totally unload all force to the spindle and spring
Preventative Actions

     If the valve is disassembled, all parts should be inspected for corrosion and wear   Soft seals need be replaced no earlier than five year intervals and may be extended to ten year replacement intervals if in good operating condition

      Test gags should be located and verified to be in good working order   Test gags should never be left installed on the valve as the pressure relief valve is thus rendered inoperative

      Inspect the condition of all external  bolting and fasteners every five years   Replace if signs indicate the onset of stress corrosion cracking    Ail bolting should be replaced at no later than ten year intervals unless stainless steel or similar maternal is used

        Inspect flange gasket surfaces for signs of damage and/or corrosion   Replace gaskets on each occasion that the valve is removed

8.2.11      All other cargo vent exits not dealt with in other chapters should be arranged in accordance with 8.2.9 and 8.2.10.
8.2.12      If cargoes which react in a hazardous manner with each other are carried simultaneously, a separate pressure relief system should be fitted for each cargo carried.
8.2.13      In the vent piping system, means for draining liquid from places where it may accumulate should be provided. The pressure relief valves and piping should be so arranged that liquid can under no circumstances
accumulate in or near the pressure relief valves.
8.2.14      Suitable protection screens should be fitted on vent outlets to prevent the ingress of foreign objects.
8.2.15  All vent piping should be so designed and arranged that it will not to damaged by temperature variations to which it may be exposed, or by the ship's motions.
8.2.16      The back pressure in the vent lines from the pressure relief valves should be taken into account in determining the flow capacity required by 8.5.
8.2.17      Pressure relief valves should be positioned on the cargo tank so that they will remain in the vapour phase under conditions of 15° list and 0.0151 trim, where /  is defined in 1.3.23.
8.3     Additional pressure relieving system for liquid level control
8.3.1 Where required by, an additional pressure relieving system to prevent the tank from becoming liquid full at any time during relief under the fire exposure conditions referred to in 8.5 should be fitted to each tank. This pressure relieving system should consist of:
.1 one or more relief valves set at a pressure corresponding to the gauge vapour pressure of the cargo at the reference temperature
defined in; and
.2 an override arrangement, whenever necessary, to prevent its normal operation. This arrangement should include fusible elements designed to melt at temperatures between 98°C and 104°C and to cause relief valves specified in to become operable. The fusible elements should be located, in particular, in the vicinity of relief valves. The system should become operable upon loss of system power if provided. The override arrangement should not be dependent on source of ship’s power.

8.3.2  The total relieving capacity of the additional pressure relieving system at the pressure mentioned in should not be less than:

Q’ = fG'A0,82 (m3/s)
Q'  =  minimum required rate of discharge of air at standard condi­tions of 273 К and 1.013 bar.
              12.4                   ZT’
G’ = ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  Ö¾¾
         (L+pr m)D                M

p, = relative density of liquid phase of product at relieving conditions (p, = 1.0 for fresh water).
т = -di/dpr = gradient of decrease of liquid phase enthalpy against increase of liquid phase density (kj/kg) at relieving conditions. For set pressures not higher than 2.0 bar the values in table 8.1 may be used. For products not listed in the table and for higher set pressures, the value of т should be calculated on the basis of the thermodynamic data of the product itself;
i     =   enthalpy of liquid (kj/kg);
T’ = temperature in Kelvin’s (K) at relieving conditions, i.e. at the pressure at which the additional pressure relieving system is set;
F, A, L, D, Z and M are defined in 8.5.2. Table 8.1 - Factor (m)
т =   -di/dpf (k|/kg)
Ammonia, anhydrous Butadiene
3,400 1,800
Butylenes Ethane
1,900 2,100
Ethylene Methane
1,500 2,300
Methyl chloride Nitrogen Propane Propylene Propylene oxide Vinyl chloride
816 400 2,000 1,600 1,550 900
 The values in this table may be used for set pressures not higher then 20 bar

Chapter 8 Cargo tank vent systems
8.1     General
All cargo tanks should be provided with a pressure relief system appropriate to the design of the cargo containment system and the cargo being carried. Hold spaces, interbarrier spaces and cargo piping which may be subject to pressures beyond their design capabilities should also be provided with a suitable pressure relief system. The pressure relief system should be connected to a vent piping system so designed as to minimize the possibility of cargo vapour accumulating on the decks, or entering accommodation spaces. service spaces, control stations and machinery spaces, or other spaces where it may create a dangerous condition. Pressure control systems spec cified by chapter 7 should be independent of the pressure relief systems.
8.2     Pressure relief systems
8.2.1 Each cargo tank with a volume exceeding 20 m3 should be fitted with at least two pressure relief valves of approximately equal capacity, suitably designed and constructed for the prescribed service. For cargo tanks with a volume not exceeding 20 m3, a single relief valve may be fitted.
8.2.2 Inter barrier spaces should be provided with pressure relief devices lo the satisfaction of the Administration.
8.2.3 The setting of the pressure relief valves should not be higher than the1 vapour pressure which has been used in the design of the tank.
8.2.4    Pressure relief valves should be connected to the highest part of the cargo lank above deck level. Pressure relief valves on cargo tanks with a design   temperature   below 0°C  should  be  arranged  to  prevent  their
becoming inoperative due to ice formation when they are closed. Due consideration should be given to the construction and arrangement of pressure relict valves on cargo tanks subject to low ambient temperatures.
8.2.5 Pressure relieve valves should be prototype tested to ensure that the valves have the opacity required. Each valve should be tested to ensure that  it opens at  the prescribed pressure setting with an allowance not
exceeding  ±   10% for 0 to 1.5 bar,  ± 6% for 1.5 to 3.0 bar,  ±  3% for 3.0 bar  and   above    Pressure  relief valves  should   be  set  and     sealed  by a competent author it у acceptable to the Administration and a record of this
action, including the values of set pressure, should be retained aboard the
8.2.6  In the case of cargo tanks permitted to have more than one relief valve setting this may be accomplished by:
.1 installing two or more properly set and sealed valves and providing means as necessary for isolating the valves not in use from the cargo tank; or
.2 installing relief valves whose settings may be changed by the inser­tion of previously approved spacer pieces or alternative springs or by other similar means not requiring pressure testing to verify the new set pressure. All other valve adjustments should be sealed
8.2.7    The changing of the set pressure under the provisions of 8.2.6 should be carried out under the supervision of the master in accordance with procedures   approved   by  Administration   and   specified   in   the   ship's operating manual. Changes in set pressures should be recorded in the ship's log and a sign posted in the cargo control room, if provided, and at each relief valve, stating the set pressure.
8.2.8    Stop valves or other means of blanking off pipes between tanks and pressure relief valves to facilitate maintenance should not be fitted unless all the following arrangements are provided:
.1 suitable arrangements to prevent more than one pressure relief valve being out of service at the same time;
.2 a device which automatically and in a clearly visible way indicates which one of the pressure relief valves is out of service, and
.3 pressure relief valve capacities such that if one valve is out of service the remaining valves have the combined relieving capacity required by 8.5. However, this capacity may be provided by the combined capacity of all valves, if a suitably maintained spare valve is carried on board.
8.2.9  Each pressure relief valve installed on a cargo tank should be connec­ted to a venting system, which should be so constructed that the discharge of gas will be directed upwards and so arranged as to minimize the possibility of water or snow entering the vent system. The height of vent exits should be not less than 6/3 or 6 m, whichever is greater, above the weather deck and 6 m above the working area and the fore and aft gangway.
8.2.10   Cargo tank pressure relief valve vent exits should be arranged at a distance at least equal to В or 25 m, whichever is less, from the nearest air intake or opening to accommodation spaces, service spaces and control
stations, or other gas-safe spaces. For ships less than 90 m in length, smaller distances may be permitted by the Administration. All other vent exits connected  to  the cargo containment  system  should  be arranged  at  a
distance  of  at   least   10n^/rom   the   nearest  air   intake  or   opening   to accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations, or other gas-safe space.

8.3.3    Compliance with requires changing of the setting of the relief valves  provided   tor  m  this  section.  This  should  be accomplished  in accordance with the provisions of 8.2.6 and 8.2.7.
8.3.4    Relief valves mentioned under above may be the same as the pressure relict valves mentioned in 8.2, provided the setting pressure and (lie relieving capacity are in compliance with the requirements of this
8.3.5  The exhaust of such pressure relief valves may be led to the venting system referred to m 8.2.9. If separate venting arrangements are fitted these should be in accordance with the requirements of 8.2.9 to 8.2.15.
8.4     Vacuum protection systems
8.4.1 Cargo tanks designed to withstand a maximum external pressure differential exceeding 0.25 bar and capable of withstanding the maximum external pressure differential which can be attained at maximum discharge rates with no vapour return into the cargo tanks, or by operation of a cargo refrigeration system, need no vacuum relief protection.
8.4.2 Cargo tanks designed to withstand a maximum external pressure differential not exceeding 0.25 bar, or tanks which cannot withstand the maximum external pressure differential that can be attained at maximum discharge rates with no vapour return into the cargo tanks, or by operation of a cargo refrigeration system, or by sending boil-off vapour to the machinery spaces should be fitted with:
.1 two independent pressure switches to sequentially alarm and subsequently stop all suction of cargo liquid or vapour from the cargo tank, and refrigeration equipment if fitted, by suitable means at a pressure sufficiently below the maximum external designed pressure differential of the cargo tank; or
2   vacuum relief valves with a gas flow capacity at least equal to the maximum cargo discharge rate per cargo tank, set to open at a pressure sufficiently below the external design differential pres­sure of the cargo tank; or
.3     other vacuum relief systems acceptable to the Administration.
8.4.3    Subject to the requirements of chapter 17, the vacuum relief valves should admit an inert gas, cargo vapour or air to the cargo tank and should be arranged to minimize the possibility of the entrance of water or snow. If cargo vapour is admitted, it should be from a source other than the cargo vapour lines.
8.4.4The vacuum protection system should be capable of being tested to ensure that it operates at the prescribed ores-sure

8.5    Size of valves
Pressure relief valves should have a combined relieving capacity for each cargo tank to discharge the greater of the following with not more than a 20% rise in cargo tank pressure above the MARVS:
.1 the maximum capacity of the cargo tank inerting system if the maximum attainable working pressure of the cargo tank inerting system exceeds the MARVS of the cargo tanks; or
.2 vapours generated under fire exposure computed using the following formula:
Q = FGA0.82 (m3/s)
Q  =  minimum required rate of discharge of air at standard conditions of 273 К and 1.013 bar.
F   =  fire exposure factor for different cargo tank types: F =  1.0 for tanks without insulation located on deck;
F = 0.5 for tanks above the deck when insulation is approved by the Administration. (Approval will be based on the use of an approved fireproofing material, the thermal conductance of insulation, and its stability under fire exposure);
F = 0.5 for uninsulated independent tanks installed in holds;
F = 0.2 for insulated independent tanks m holds (or uninsulated independent tanks in insulated holds);
F = 0.1 for insulated independent tanks in inerted holds (or uninsulated independent tanks in inerted, insulated holds);
F =  0.1 for membrane and semi-membrane tanks.
For independent tanks partly protruding through the open  deck,   the  fire  exposure  factor  should   be determined on the basis of the surface areas above and below deck.
G   =  gas factor

              12.4                   ZT
G’ = ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾  Ö¾¾
               LD                    M

Т = temperature in Kelvin’s (К) at relieving conditions, i.e. 120% of the pressure at which the pressure relief valve is set;
L = latent heat of the material being vaporized at prevailing conditions, in kl/kg:

D = constant based on relation of specific heats k, shown in table 8.2; if k is not known, D = 0.606 should be used. The constant D may also be calculated by the following formula:

Z = compressibility factor of the gas at relieving conditions; if not known, Z = 1.0 should be used.
M =   molecular mass of the product.
A    =   external surface area of the tank (m2) for different tank types:
for body-of-revolution type tanks: A   =     external surface area; for other than body-of-revolution type tanks:
A - external surface area less the projected bottom surface area;
for tanks consisting of an array of pressure vessel tanks: insulation on the ship's structure:
A = external surface area of the hold less its projected area;
insulation on the tank structure

A = external surface area of the array of pressure vessels excluding insulation, less the projected bottom area as shown in figure 8.1.


  1. A gas safety valve is essential for keeping your home and family safe from the hazards of natural gas. With its live wire warning system, it shuts off gas supply to the appliance if gas leakage is detected. It is a quick and cost-effective way to reduce the risk of fire or explosion due to gas leaks and accidents in the home. Having a gas safety valve in place is one of the easiest and most effective ways to ensure the safety and well-being of you and your family.

  2. The operation of LPG valves can be manual, where users manually turn the valve to control the gas flow, or automatic, where the valve is controlled by a solenoid or motorized mechanism.


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