Abstract: - The biggest challenge involved in the design of air cooled heat
exchangers (AHX) are the management of flow bypassing that seriously affects
its heat exchange capacity and uncertainty involved in the heat transfer
correlations. Worldwide, experience has been that the design heat removal
capacity was hardly achieved in practical conditions. When an AHX is used in a
natural circulation loop, the complexity gets added due to the dependence of
the estimated natural convection flow on pressure drop correlations.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools have been employed to study and manage
the above aspects and thereby to design a thermal hydraulically efficient AHX.
This paper brings out the CFD studies carried out to evaluate heat transfer and
pressure drop coefficients of finned tube bundle and management of flow
bypassing in a typical AHX of a Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor
Key-Words: - CFD, LMFBR, AHX, Thermal Hydraulic analysis, Flow
bypassing, Finned tube array, Flow distributor
1 Introduction
In a nuclear reactor, heat continues to be produced in the core even
after reactor shut down. This heat which, decays over time (knows as decay heat) needs to be removed. In an LMFBR, normal heat removal circuit (steam
water system) that involves many active components itself is used for this
purpose. In case of non-availability of steam water system or
off site power the decay heat removal is performed through a totally
passive circuit called Safety Grade Decay Heat Removal (SGDHR)
system. This circuit removes heat from a primary sodium pool where the reactor core is immersed to ambient air through an intermediate sodium c ircuit.
The circuit comprises of a primary sodium to intermediate
sodium heat exchanger called Decay Heat Exchanger (DHX) and an intermediate
sodium to air heat exchanger called Air Heat Exchanger (AHX). Intermediate
sodium flow and air flow in the circuit are by natural convection. A stack
provided in the circuit develops the required driving force for the natural convection
flow of air.
schematic of AHX circuit is shown in Fig. 1. It is a cross flow
type finned tube heat exchanger. Intermediate sodium from an inlet header flows
through 116 tubes arranged in three longitudinal and 77 transverse rows to
an outlet sodium header. Each tube is arranged in a serpentine layout and takes
four passes in AHX. There are three unfinned U tube
bends, making the serpentine layout for each tube. Tubes in each pass
are supported at their ends (just before U- bends) by hangers. Finned tubes,
U-bends and sodium headers are all housed inside a single casing of AHX.
Ambient air is introduced across the tube banks by natural draft generated by
stack. Air enters the AHX at its bottom through a 900 bend duct and
exits to stack. Pneumatic and motorised air dampers are provided on the
upstream and downstream of AHX. During power operation of the reactor the air
dampers are kept crack open to minimise heat loss to ambient and at the same
time to permit certain amount of natural circulation in the SGDHR circuit in
order to enable smooth change over to DHR mode when required.
Challenging aspects involved
in the design of AHX are the management of flow bypassing that seriously
affects its heat exchange capacity and uncertainties involved in heat transfer
correlations. Heat transfer coefficient from finned tubes to air is the major
resistance governing the heat exchange between sodium and air. This heat
transfer coefficient calculated based on correlations available in literature
is likely to have large uncertainty mainly d ue
to the smaller number of longitudinal rows of tubes (three) in AHX.
Operating experience in some AHX is not satisfactory from heat removal capacity
considerations. When an AHX is used in a natural circulation loop, the
complexity gets added due to the dependence of the estimated natural convection
flow on pressure drop correlations. Therefore, designing the heat exchanger
with minimum flow bypass and careful use of heat transfer and pressure drop
coefficients with suitable margin are very essential. Achieving
this objective is becoming increasingly simpler due to the advancement in the CFD and
development of computer technology. In this context, CFD studies are good
substitute for experimental studies in view quick results and multiple trials.
This paper brings out the CFD studies carried out to achieve desirable flow
distribution of sodium and air in AHX and the evaluation of heat transfer and
pressure drop coefficients of finned tube bundle.
2 Analysis Methodology
Sodium enters the inlet header through a pipe connected at one end of it
and flows through 116 tubes. Sodium flow distribution among various
tubes is investigated first through a hydraulic analysis of sodium flow in the
header. Air enters the AHX at its bottom through a 900 bend duct
which causes a non-uniform velocity d istribution
at its exit. Therefore, hydraulic analysis of air flow in the duct has been
carried out in the second step to obtain velocity d istribution
at the AHX air inlet. In the third step, numerical estimation of shell side
heat transfer and pressure drop coefficients have
been made. For this a detailed thermal hydraulic analysis of air flow in between
finned tubes has been carried out. Finally, thermal
hydraulic analysis of air side of AHX is carried out to
establish the air flow distribution and heat exchange capacity. Sodium
flow distribution obtained from the first step is used for the calculation of
heat source to air flow from tubes.Velocity d istribution
of air at the AHX inlet obtained from the second step is used as input for this
calculation. The heat transfer and pressure drop coefficients estimated from
the third step are employed to model heat exchange from sodium and air and
pressure drop offered by tube bundle.
3 Computational Models
Fig. 2:
Schematic of header with tubes
A schematic of the header with tubes is shown in Fig. 2. The geometry of
header with tubes is symmetric about 1800 sector. Therefore, half of
the header with 39 full and 38 half tube outlets from header is considered
for the analysis. Inlet velocity boundary condition is specified at one end of
the header and constant pressure (outlet) boundary conditions are specified at
all the 77 tube outlet locations. Pressure drop suffered by sodium flow in each
tube is modeled through an orifice resistance (baffle boundary) just before the
outlet boundary in the tubes. This resistance corresponds to the total
hydraulic resistance offered by tube wall friction, resistance due to the three
U bends of the serpentine arrangement and resistance due to the two L bends at
the header to tube connections. These hydraulic resistances are calculated
based on reference [1]. The analysis has been carried out using the high
Reynolds number k - e
turbulence model in the CFD code Star CD. Total number of unstructured grids employed in the
model is ~ 2.5 lacks.
3.2 Hydraulic analysis of Air Duct(Step 2)
Air enters the duct horizontally and turns through a sharp 900
bend to enter AHX axially from its bottom. Computational model for the
hydraulic analysis of air flow in the bend duct has been developed in Star CD
code. Turbulence in the flow has been modeled using high Reynolds
number k - e turbulence
3.3 Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Finned Tube Bundle (Step 3)
Staggered array of three finned tubes with a length of one fin spacing
as shown in Fig. 3 has been modeled in Star CD code. Cross flow of air through
the bundles at various velocities have been analysed. Air at 313 K is admitted
through the bundles at various velocities. The temperatures of tubes are
maintained isothermal at 773 K. The analyses are carried out using laminar flow
3.4 Thermal Hydraulic analysis of Air Side of AHX
(Step 4)
A Schematic of reference design of AHX is shown in Fig. 4. Air enters the
AHX at its bottom and flows across four passes of tubes arranged in three rows
and exits to stack. Schematic of the mathematical model used for the analysis
is shown in Fig. 5. The velocity profile at the duct exit obtained from step 2
is applied at the inlet to the domain. Pressure drop offered by the finned and
un-finned tubes on the air flow are modeled through momentum sinks in the
axial momentum balance equation. The
hydraulic resistance coefficient for the above pressure drop are calculated
based on the relation obtained from the above study (step 3). Heat transferred from sodium to air through the tubes is modeled by
specifying heat source in the thermal balance equation at the location of
tubes. The heat source at a particular tube location is calculated as:
Q = U AO (TSodium – TAir) (1)
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient given by
Ro = Fouling
resistance on the sodium side
hi = Tube side heat transfer coefficient
Ri = Fouling resistance on the air side
KT is the thermal conductivity of tube material
do and di are outer and inner diameter of tubes
AO = Total outside heat transfer area of tube and fins
AI = Inner heat transfer area of tubes
TAir = Temperature of air
TSodium is the temperature of sodium, which is tracked along
the tube pass between the headers based on heat transferred to air. TSodium
at a particular grid location ‘N’ is
calculated as:
TSN = TS N-1 - QN-1
/ (ms Cp) (4)
Where TSN and TS N-1 are the temperatures of sodium at Nth and (N-1)th grids in the tube pass. Numbering of grids is done in the direction of flow of sodium through the tubes. ms is the sodium flow rate, Cp is the specific heat capacity of sodium and QN-1 is the heat transferred to air at the (N-1)th grid calculated based on Equation (1) above. Heat transfer coefficient at the tube side (hi) is calculated based on Marcelin’s [2] correlation. Shell side heat transfer coefficient (ho) is calculated based on the relation derived from the analysis (step 3). Pressure drops offered by tube supports are modeled through momentum sinks in the respective momentum balance equation. Hydraulic resistance offered by these is calculated using the porous plate correlation [3] for the equivalent porosity of opening (~ 60 %). Air flow between tubes being laminar, the analysis has been carried out using laminar flow model in PHOENICS code. Number of grids considered in the longitudinal and cross direction of tube banks are 37 and 18 respectively. The geometry of AXH being symmetric along in the third direction (i.e, along the length of sodium headers), half model is only considered in this direction with three grids.
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Flow Distribution Among Tubes
The normalised sodium flow through various transverse
rows of tubes obtained from the analysis is shown in Fig. 6. It can be
observed that flow through various tubes is uniform with a maximum deviation of
- 4 % to + 2 %. In sparger type flow distribution devices, when the pressure
drop offered by the tubes is 10 times more than the kinetic energy of flow at
the entrance, it is experimentally established [4] that the flow distribution
among various branches would be uniform with a deviation of < 5 %. The
present prediction matches this proposition, wherein the pressure drop offered
by the ~ 14 m long, serpentine tubes is about 25 times the kinetic energy of
sodium at the entry to header. Thus, the variation of sodium flow among various
tubes can be ignored in subsequent calculations.

4.2 Air Flow Distribution in Duct
Predicted velocity d istribution
in the duct is shown in Fig. 7. It can be observed that at the entrance of
bend, velocity is non-uniform with maximum near the inner side of bend. Flow
gets redistributed afterwards and at the exit of bend, the velocity becomes
maximum at the outer side of the bend. This velocity profile at the
exit of duct is considered at the AHX inlet in the subsequent calculation.
4.3 Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Finned Tube Bundle
For a typical case in which air enters the tube bundle at a velocity of
2.5 m/s, the predicted velocity and temperature distribution are shown in Fig.
8. Estimated pressure drop coefficient and
number of heat transfer of the finned tubes in various cases are
tabulated in Table 1. Also shown in the same table are the pressure
drop coefficients and nusselt numbers calculated based on Zukauscas
correlation [5, 6] available in literature. It can
be observed that the estimated loss coefficients are less than those estimated
numerically. Thus, the correlation predicts conservative value of pressure drop
offered by the tube bundle. Nusselt numbers obtained from the analysis for the
range of air flow velocity (2 - 3 m/s) in AHX are lower
than those estimated using correlation. Maximum uncertainty in the correlation is ~ 13 %. Therefore, for
conservative design of AHX, an uncertainty of ~ 15 % needs to be considered on
the shell side heat transfer coefficient calculated based on correlation. The
heat transfer coefficient relation derived based on the analysis has been used
in the subsequent calculation.
Table 1:
Comparison of coefficients
K by
K by
Nu by
Nu by
4.4 Flow and Temperature Distribution of Air
in AHX
Thermal hydraulic analysis of AHX has been carried out with the
predicted air flow distribution at the duct exit and estimated heat transfer
and pressure drop coefficients for the finned tube array. The
predicted flow distribution of air in AHX is shown in Fig. 9. It can be
observed that considerable amount of flow bypasses the finned region of tubes
and flows across the bundle supports (~ 60 % porosity). The bypass flow through
the volume between AHX wall and bundle supports which houses bare tube bends,
do not contribute in the heat exchange between sodium and air in a significant
manner. Apart from this, as evident from Fig. 4, about
234 mm length of tubes of each pass near the bundle support are not provided
with fins and there exist about 241 mm free gap between the last row of tube in the
transverse direction and AHX wall on either side. These also cause air to
bypass from the desired path. Due to this flow bypassing, the heat exchange
capacity of AHX under rated air and sodium flow conditions is observed to be
5.32 MW only. This is less than 8 MW, calculated by approximate calculations without considering flow
in temperature of sodium in tubes and temperature of air approaching various
tubes passes along their length is shown in Fig. 10. Sharp
variation in the temperature of air at the location of tube pass 1 is evident
in the figure. This is due to the bypass air in AHX reaching the outlet without
getting heated up much from the tube bundle.
Preventing flow bypassing would improve the heat exchange capacity. For
this a study has been carried out with the following design modifications as shown
in Fig. 11.
Providing fins in tubes as close to bundle
support as possible thereby reducing the unfinned portion of tubes.
Providing two baffles on either end of AHX
in the region between wall and bundle support.·
Providing three baffles each on either
side in the region between last transverse row of tubes and
AHX wall.
Flow and
temperature distribution obtained in the modified configuration of AHX is shown
in Fig. 12 and 13 respectively. It can be observed that the baffles redirect
air flow back to the finned region of tubes and there by enhance the heat
transfer. The heat exchange capacity estimated in this case is 8.27 MW. Peak
temperature reached by air in AHX is 630 K. The average outlet temperature of
air is 577 K. From the temperature variation of sodium in tubes of various passes it
can be inferred that the first pass of tubes transfers the minimum amount of
heat to air (22.4 % of total). Maximum heat (27.2 %) is
transferred by the 4th pass due to the maximum DT
prevailing between sodium and air at its location.

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